was registered and the consignee of the parcel, Krishna Murari Prasad, a resident of Vadodara, was summoned to record his statement at the NCB office in Mumbai on Thursday. Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Thursday arrested a man from Vadodara, Gujarat in connection with the seizure of 700 grams of heroin valued at Rs 4 crore from the cargo complex near the Mumbai airport, an official said. The NCB zonal unit had received a specific information about smuggling of drugs in a parcel at the International Courier Terminal at Sahar in suburban Mumbai, he said. Accordingly, a search was conducted at a conference hall in the complex on Monday, where NCB sleuths found 700 grams of white powder in a packet, purported to be heroin whose value is estimated at around Rs 4 crore in the illicit market, the official said #yusufbhandarkar
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