As a business owner, every moment that you spend doing something that someone else could do is costing you a lot. Ask yourself how you can maximize results with the limited time available each day. You may be reluctant to give up some tasks, but be thankful when you can devote time to the things that help your digital marketing agency grow.
You get what you pay for
Depending on the size of the business, keeping costs low can mean doing things manually instead of using a tool or paying team members less, paying less for services, etc. When making decisions about how to spend money, it's important to consider time, quality, and training.For example, periodically check the services you pay for, the tools you signed up for, etc. It's a great way to save money. And of course, the start of the year is the perfect time for a fresh start.
People before profit
While entrepreneurs should always focus on profit, don't let this need come at the expense of people. First and foremost, customers are people - the time spent building relationships can pay off coming back many times over. Being courteous, respectful, and understanding can make the difference between a long-term relationship and a sudden end.
The world of digital marketing is quickly and includes technology, communication and strategy.Think Before You Speak
Whether you are speaking to team members or to clients, it is essential that you take a moment to think about what you are trying to communicate. In business, saying the wrong thing can waste precious time with communication issues or even lose a sale. Simple and clear communication ensures that everyone is on the same page.
Under Promise and Over Deliver
In business, we often think that results are the only things that matter. In fact, expectations determine how we feel about the results.When an agency delivers too much to their clients, it rings a lot more than if you made big promises that just aren't possible. Set clear expectations and, if necessary, simply offer a little more. Doing what you can (and letting them know you did) will bring the customer back to you time and time again.
Does the need for these resolutions ring true for your business?
In The MMS, we challenge you and everyone on your team to consider these ideas and implement the ones that make sense for your business this year. If you are already our partner and subscriber, request a demo on our website at to see how we can help you better serve your local business customers and clientele.