'Aata Majhi Satakli': Shilpa Shetty Breaks Glass Bottle on Rohit Shetty's Arm. Know More Filmmaker Rohit Shetty will appear on an upcoming episode of India’s Got Talent. Shilpa Shetty, who appears alongside Badshah, Kirron Kher, and Manoj Muntashir as a judge, on the show, had quite an lot of fun shooting with Rohit Shetty, as evident from a video she shared. Shilpa shared a video on her Instagram account. within the short clip, she will be able to be seen sneaking au fait Rohit and trying to urge his attention. Shilpa screamed, “Aata majhi satakli", and broke a glass bottle on Rohit’s arm when the director was having a conversation with Badshah. “Picture do mujhe!" she shouted. Rohit asked if she had gone crazy. “You have spoiled my suit," he added. Right then Badshah made a silly joke about what percentage photographs he had on his phone that he could airdrop. As a retaliation, Shilpa crushed the remaining bottle on Badshah’s arm, causing Badshah to squeak. within the caption of the video Shilpa wrote, “Garam zhaali ketli Aata Majhi Satakli Maine baatli Panga nahin lene ka… Phod di maine baatli Panga nahin lene ka… kyaaaa!?” Commenting on the video, Badshah wrote “Mere 50 rupaye kaatlo." Shilpa Shetty’s fans found the video hilarious and it's already garnered over 3 lakh likes on Instagram. On Tuesday, Shilpa Shetty released the poster of her film Sukhee on her Instagram account. within the poster, Shilpa is seen in several avatars, while holding many home goods in her hands. The poster seems to imply that she could be a housewife who aspires to try to to more for herself in life than make sure of the house.