On last Thursday, actor Shah Rukh Khan's manager Pooja Dadlani took to Instagram to share some beautiful pictures of her new home designed by the superstar's interior designer wife, Gauri Khan. Soon, social media also came alive with pictures of Shah Rukh and Gauri visiting Pooja's new abode.
Pooja Dadlani: Pooja Dadlani, the manager of Bollywood King Shah Rukh Khan, is very beautiful. Also, his house is equally luxurious and stylish. Anyway, Pooja's house has been decorated by King Khan's wife and famous interior designer Gauri Khan. You can also see a glimpse of Pooja's luxurious house.
The King of Bollywood i.e. Shah Rukh Khan is enjoying the success of his film Pathan these days. However, we are not going to talk about Pathan here! Actually, King Khan's manager Pooja Dadlani is often seen in events and parties with Shahrukh.
Sometime back, the house of worship was designed by Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan, whose pictures went viral on social media as well. Pooja Dadlani herself showed a glimpse of her house to the fans on social media. Gauri Khan left no stone unturned to give a beautiful and classy look to Pooja's house.
Pooja Dadlani's house is as beautiful and stylish as her. Every corner from the living room to the balcony of the house has been designed very beautifully.
To give a fresh look to the house, along with wooden tables and vintage lamp shades, different types of indoor plants have also been installed. A huge chandelier in the living room is giving a royal look to Pooja Dadlani's home.
Let us tell you that Pooja Dadlani has been working with Shah Rukh Khan for almost 10 years. She handles everything from King Khan's cricket team to brand endorsement. Shah Rukh Khan gives a hefty salary to Pooja Dadlani. According to media reports, Pooja's one year salary is around Rs 20 crore.