Bollywood actress Ananya Panday has become a popular actress in the industry at the age of just 23. Ananya will soon be seen in the film 'Gehraiyaan' opposite Deepika Padukone and Siddhant Chaturvedi. The promotion of this film is going on in full swing. For which its starcast was seen very elaborately promoting it in Mumbai on the previous day. At the same time, a video of Ananya, which went viral from this promotional event, has been seen blowing the minds of the fans. The spotted video of Ananya Panday has been posted by instantbollywood on its official Instagram account. In this clip, Chunky Pandey's darling is looking very beautiful in a red color short bodycon dress. On the other hand, when the paparazzi asks Ananya to turn to pose, the actress utters aloud, 'Today I am wearing a flower sleeves dress.' Hearing this statement of the actress, the fans have lost their laughter. Because Ananya's dress is very short from below and only her sleeves are complete. Let me inform that on the first day of the film promotion, Ananya Pandey was seen wearing white flared jeans with a brown colored tube top. The actress was feeling very cold due to her attire, after which Siddhant Chaturvedi was seen wearing her coat. At the same time, after this Ananya came to promote wearing a red color flower sleeves dress. Where the fans are laughing and laughing after hearing his flower sleeve statement. This viral video of Ananya Pandey has got more than 1 lakh 16 thousand likes in the Instagram world so far, more to come. At the same time, a user has commented and wrote, 'Why do you wear such clothes when you are afraid of the wind.' Another wrote, 'Don't you feel cold?' Another writes, 'There is as much logic in their words as in their clothes'. Image source:— Her Instagram
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