1. I am happy some times 2. I am happy many times 3. I am happy all the time 4. Life has been a dream come true
I have gone through all of these stages one by one.
I was a happy person as a child but as I grew up I started to become unhappy.
I started to look at what I did not have. This made me even more unhappy.
I was unhappy each time I failed or things did not go how I wanted them to. I was fearful to lose what I had & greedy to get what I did not have.
This continued for several years till one day I realized I was stuck in this pattern & decided to change it.
I decided I will only do things that gave me joy, started to write, something I always liked to do. As I did more of it I became happier.
I also decided to let go of my fear & greed, stopped associating myself to results & expectations from people & life.
As I disconnected from fear & greed, I truly connected with life. Life slowly became a dream come true. And I live my dream every single day.
Are you happy? Are you living your dream? Which pattern are you stuck in?
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