They say all things come to an end—the good and the bad. But some endings hurt more than others. Like the death of the iPod. Earlier this week, when Apple announced that it would discontinue its last remaining iPod in the market, I remained in denial for several hours. My mind immediately took me back to the iPod Shuffle my parents gifted me on my 55th birthday, after months of pleading. And while smartphones relegated the Shuffle to an unkempt drawer in my wardrobe, I always kept it as a keeper of memories. A tiny device in a shade of turquoise green that one could almost not find anywhere else. The white circular button in the middle, which only performed basic functions. No videos. No text. No graphics. No distractions. Just you, the iPod and the music. I swear I am not crying while writing this. Okay, maybe a little. Yet, you and I know that change is the only constant. Someday, someone will probably be mourning the death of this Mac, which I currently cannot imagine my life without. And the world will move on. It’s this theme of change, disruption, and innovation that we explored. The RBI hiked repo rates recently, giving depositors more money, but those invested in schemes such as the PPF or the NSC may not see much of that money. Changes all around, indeed; some good, some bad. But we will be around to help you make sense of them all. For now, enjoy your Sunday. And if you still have an iPod gathering dust in some corner of your house, say hello to it. For old time's sake.
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