Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are currently facing a troublesome time. Their eldest son Aryan Khan has been arrested and sent to jail in liner drugs case. it had been on October 3 that he was arrested, while on October 7, he was sent into judicial custody. Later, he was taken to Arthur Road jail where reportedly he has been kept in quarantine cell. His lawyers applied for bail in sessions court which got pushed over to Wednesday. Amidst all this, a report in India Today, speaks of how Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are addressing the case.
A source informs the portal that Shah Rukh Khan has sleepless nights while Gauri Khan has her brother and sister-in-law by her side for support. The source was quoted saying, "It didn’t dawn on them that this can last for such an extended time. While the news of the arrest sent shock waves through the industry, SRK immediately sought legal advice on the matter dialling up a number of the simplest experts within the country. Satish Maneshinde was approached, and he gave SRK the arrogance that Aryan would be out ahead of expected. However, that wasn’t the case because the court rejected his bail plea on the grounds that it had been ‘unmaintainable’ which news really shook the family."
It is also reported that Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan are making multiple calls to NCB officials to test on their son's health and well-being. However, they are doing not have direct access to Aryan Khan. "Gauri and SRK make multiple calls through the day to test on his health. while there's no direct access to Aryan, information on his well-being is conveyed to the family. There even was asking made to send home-cooked meals and his personal belongings to Aryan," said the sources.
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