Sharad Chandra Pawar was a 3 times Chief Minister of Maharashtra, was Union Defense Minister and Union Agriculture Minister. He has remained a prominent factor in the politics of Maharashtra and also in the centre. Sometimes, he is called the wealthiest politician of India. Will you call it success ? Will he call
it success ?
Probably yes. His base is not whole of Maharashtra, only western Marathawada region, where he has a firm grip over agrarian Maratha's. With this strength, even without a simple majority, he is ruling Maharashtra off and on by deft politics. He has achieved more than the optimum. If this is not success, then what is success ?
Time to time his name comes up as PM candidate of India and for President-ship. There is nothing in Mumbai where he has not a hand, at least a finger. And please see the quote below from Saheb, let me assure you, he never follows it!