Early Marriage Would End Sexual Crimes in India Rapes will stop in India if early marriage is promoted. Crime Against women has risen. In several cases the perpetrators videotaped and circulated their crime, while in others the victim had been murdered, lowering Age of marriage would help curb such crimes against women. Boys and girls should be married by the time they turn 17, so that they do not stray.
According to Muslim personal law, the minimum age for marriage for girls is when they attain puberty, which is presumed to be 15 years. Marriage is valid as per Mohammedan Law, a Person who has attained puberty is biologically capable of reproduction.
Early Marriage doesn’t mean that the spouses could be not mature and responsible. Islam suggest Muslims to get Married at young age. As Rarely Marriage bring more benefits to the couples. Marriage is a Great protection of sexual desires. As human undeniably has that kind of desires when they see the opposite sex, Islam suggest Muslim to get married early, to prevent them from committing sins because they can’t handle the sexual desires well. Delayed of Marriages is very helpful for the Shaytan to play their traunt.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Three matters should not be delayed: prayer when its time comes, burial when the funeral has arrived, and the marriage of a single woman when a well-suited man has proposed.” (Reported by at-Tirmidhi)
The Marriage in a young age and having children afterwards means we have more time to raise our kids. As Early as we start, we will still quite young while our kids has all grown ups.
Recently, Police in Assam have Arrested more than 1,800 Men for Marrying or arranging Marriages to underage Girls.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Said that the purpose for raising the age of marriage for girls from 18 to 21 years has been proposed to empower 'desh ki beti' so that they get enough time to complete education and build their careers and become 'Aatmanirbhar.'
Muslim Couples are staying happily and upbringing there families, instead of hanging Rapist they Gets Parole. Innocent people are put in jail and Criminals are set free. Yusuf Bhandarkar Mumbai 400008