There are 4 upper Chakras or energy centers in our body which regulate our mind, body & soul. When blocked we face various issues.
Heart Chakra issues: Co-dependency, Tendency to stay in abusive relationships, overly sacrificing, overly empathetic, problem with boundaries, grief, loneliness, lack of self love, loss or hurt in relationships/loss of job, high/low blood pressure, heart & lung issues, fear of intimacy, overly defensive, victim or rescuer, difficult to trust others, suspicious, anti social jealousy, overly dependent on others, clingy, lack of empathy, restlessness, impatience, insomnia, chest pain, fear of rejection, immune system imbalances, selfish, inability to let go of past wounds, greed, social anxiety. This is all about emotions.
Throat chakra issues: shy, weak voice, fear of speaking, unable to listen, lying, arrogance, thyroid, hearing/throat problems, communication issues, soar throat, excessive talking, stuttering, gossiping, loud or dominating voice, tendency to interrupt, over opinionated, critical, neck or shoulder pain, social anxiety, lack or creativity, feelings of depression, anxiety, low self esteem, fear of public speaking, unable to defend yourself, need to have the last word, soars in mouth or tongue, gum diseases, ear infections, sinus infections, TMJ issues, jaw pain. It is our ability to communicate & show our creativity to the world.
Third eye chakra issues: Confusion, uncertainty, cynicism, lack of purpose, pessimism, headaches, migraines, dizziness, anxiety, problems with vision or hearing, poor intuition, negativity, close minded, feeling lost, eye strains, sinuses, memory issues, insomnia or nightmares, personality disorders, scalp issues, difficulty concentrating, paranoia, obsessed with psychic vision, troubling planning for future or setting goals, lack of imagination, tendency to space out, preoccupied mind, inability to do mundane tasks, setting unrealistic goals. It is all about our intuition.
Crown Chakra issues: Sleep issues, imbalance, low ability to function physically, confusion, lack of connection to the world, lack of focus, poor mental functioning, fear, learning problems, cynicism, close mindedness, living in the head, disconnection with the soul, over attachment to spiritual matters, boredom, not feeling connected one's purpose, depression, apathy, stubbornness, pineal grand disorders, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia. This is all about our mental & spiritual health.
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