Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi is understood as a serial kisser. He has given romantic scenes with actresses in many films. But during the shooting of a movie, the actress was so engrossed within the scene that even after the director called cut, she didn't stop kissing Imran. The actress herself disclosed this. This incident happened during the movie 'Azhar' released in 2016. The film starred actress Nargis Fakhri within the lead role together with Emraan Hashmi. The song 'Bol Do Na Zara' from this movie was successful. Now the making video of this song has gone viral on social media and is in discussion. within the making video, Imran and Nargis are shooting a kissing scene. This scene was shot almost five times. Even once the director says cut, Nargis is seen kissing Imran within the video. most are shocked to determine it. But everyone takes it in funny estimation. In this video, Nargis is seen saying, 'I had to kiss Imran five times during one scene. i'd charge more for that. Because it had been not in my contract. While giving the kissing scene, Imran acted like oh my god i actually do not know, but it wasn't like that in any respect. He was happy about it all.' The film 'Azhar' was supported the lifetime of my cricketer Mohammad Azharuddin. Imran played the role of Mohammad Azharuddin during this film. Nargis played the role of Sangeeta Bijlani. The film was directed by Tony D'Souza and Anthony D'Souza. The film also featured Prachi Desai. Emraan Hashmi was last seen in Chehre opposite Amitabh Bachchan. Now he is in Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif's 'Tiger 3'. Emraan are seen within the role of a villain during this film, aside from this, he's also working in the movie 'Selfie'.