Former J&K Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad, who quit the Congress party on Friday, said he would float his own party in Jammu and Kashmir "soon". Azad also said he won't be joining the BJP. He also said that he would be visiting Jammu and Kashmir soon to satisfy his supporters and other people.
This move gains in significance as Jammu and Kashmir is due for elections later within the year. In his explosive resignation letter, the 73-year-old leader had hinted at his future move. Leaving the rebel G23 and J&K Congress leaderships in disarray, Azad exited the grand old party on his own terms after 52 years.
A few sentences towards the top of his resignation letter may be interpreted as his intentions to make a replacement organization with leaders of his own region. “Some of my other colleagues and that I will now persevere to perpetuate the ideals that we've got dedicated our entire adult lives outside the fold of the Indian National Congress," wrote the previous J&K chief minister.
With an upscale political experience backing him, from serving as J&K’s chief minister to serving as opposition leader in Rajya Sabha, Azad will persuade be a tricky challenge to regional parties similarly because the BJP in Jammu and Kashmir. As of now, however, he has no plans of launching a national party.
“I am in no hurry as of now to launch a national party but keeping in mind that elections are likely to be held in Jammu and Kashmir, I've got decided to launch a unit there soon," Azad told PTI
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