If you don’t have the resources to hire an Buy Bulk SMS Service influencer who promotes for you regularly like EHPlabs does with Katya as part of their EHPlabs athlete program, then this influencer shoutout strategy would not be a sustainable way to drive traffic and sales to your eCommerce Buy Bulk SMS Service store. However your content series will allow you to post new, fresh content so you’re not forgotten Buy Bulk SMS Service about, and my strategy in step 5 will show you how you can leverage one piece of influencer content without shoutouts like this. To gain long-term SEO traffic to your content you could leverage the search volume of the influencer’s name to rank your own content for SEO.
Earlier I mentioned that Katya’s video Buy Bulk SMS Service has over 100,000 views. This hasn’t come from organic promotion and shoutouts; it has come from EHPlabs’ video ranking Buy Bulk SMS Service in YouTube for Katya Elise Henry’s name which gets 33,100 organic searches on YouTube Buy Bulk SMS Service per month. Screenshot showing youtube search results So if all you had was the resources to pay an influencer for a day and you wanted to get a consistent flow of traffic to your content, then you could focus on creating videos around influencers in your industry and try to rank them on Google or YouTube.
However, as we saw in the YouTube organic Buy Bulk SMS Service promotion section, YouTube is not optimized for conversion. The links you include in the description of the video only get clicked 0.1% of the time. So if you want to get a consistent flow of traffic AND new customers who buy your Buy Bulk SMS Service products every day, this next paid promotion strategy is exactly what you’re going to need. STEP Buy Bulk SMS Service PAID CONTENT PROMOTION When an influencer creates a piece of content for your brand, you have a powerful business asset. But nowadays most people create and promote a piece of content, then move onto creating the next piece of content.