1. Working with amazing people 2. Up skilling yourself (formal+informal) 3. Working in a startup 4. Picking challenging/different roles (internal+external)
Working with amazing people is probably the easiest way to get on the fast track in your career. When you work with people better than you learn & grow faster.
Upskilling yourself is very important. I upskilled myself through formal education, courses, training programs, certifications. The informal route was volunteering & learning from others.
The best way to up-skill is working in a startup. You get exposed to customers & business. Taking risks in your career is essential to put your career on a fast track.
My career moved fast when I changed roles internally within the organisation. It was tough but not impossible. I volunteered for different things, took initiatives & was able to change roles internally. I tried to play the role I wanted to get into.
Picking challenging or different roles is important for our career. As we experience newer & tougher things we learn faster.
What has been your experience? Thoughts?
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