1. Changing yourself fast 2. Seeking formal/informal help 3. Acceptance & Letting the time go 4. Trying new things everyday
I have faced several years when things did not go right. I was failing continuously. The harder I tried the more I failed. I also went into clinical depression the first time I faced it.
One of the things that worked was changing myself. Sometimes unless you change inside things don't change outside. When our eyes change we see things differently hence act differently.
Seeking formal & informal help can be the best way to tide over tough times. Sometimes others can tell us where we are stuck. We don't know what we don't know.
Tough times come for a period of time. One of the ways to overcome it is to let the time play out its course & let things change. For me my bad times lasted for 7 years in a row. After going through it once I realized I just have to wait it out. Patience is a virtue. By the second time it became easier. By the third time it was not bothering me. Acceptance is the key.
When we try new things, it may work & help us move forward. We have to move from thinking to doing. As I tried new things a few of them worked. They changed things. Slowly things turned for the better. If we keep ourselves busy we don't think too much about the bad times. If you don't know when the time it tough then probably you will overcome it faster.
What about you? How did you overcome your tough times?
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