1. Less than 5 years 2. 5-10 years 3. 10-15 years 4. More than 15 years
I achieved my first dream of becoming a writer it took me 25 years after I first dream about it.
The reason why I took so long is because I only dream about it but the actions did not follow. The actual time taken was roughly 2.5 years.
I achieved my first dream of buying a house but it took me roughly 15 years after I first thought about it. The actual time taken was 5 years after I took the first step in this direction.
To achieve any dream we don’t need more than 5 years of consistent effort or Do One Thing Surely (DOTS).
The simple steps to follow are:
DOTS for an hour DOTS for an day DOTS for an month DOTS for a year
If you put in 8 hours a day towards your dream. Assuming a 40 hour week. It would be 2080 hours of focused effort in one year. If you can do this for 5 yrs. You cross 10,000 hours, which would be enough for you to achieve a dream.
If you can put in 16 hours a day, you should be able to achieve it in 2.5 years.
This is assuming you are super focused. Which is why you may find that some people may take 10 years, others may take 20 years.
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