1. It will increase the Digital & Tech jobs
2. It may not impact much
3. Layoffs may happen
4. It will decrease hiring in 2022
The Omicron variant is spreading fast all over the world. The cases have started to be reported in different parts of India. It spreads much faster than the earlier variants. It is doubling in 2-3 days in many countries.
Also vaccination may not help as much unless we go for booster doses which may still be a few months away.
The good news is that it peaks within 2-3 weeks, and rate of hospitalisation is at least 10 times lower.
The first wave was probably the worst for the job market. The second impacted people more however the impact on the job market was not as bad as the first wave. Going by this logic, the third wave will probably have the least impact on the job market.
The second wave really boosted the tech & digital jobs.
What sectors will the third wave impact?
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