In the birth certificate of Abhishek Bachchan, his name is Baba Bachchan. The name "Baba" was given by his grandfather Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan. Abhishek Bachchan was diagnosed with dyslexia in childhood, but today he is completely healthy. Abhishek had proposed to Aishwarya for marriage during the shoot of Guru.
Did you know that, before becoming an actor, Abhishek also worked as an LIC Insurance agent. Abhishek is very fond of spicy food and he eats green chillies with great fervor. He got the most support from his father during the period of failure. who used to encourage him. Abhishek Bachchan had his ears pierced with his daughter Aaradhya as he wanted to feel as much pain as his daughter. #yusufbhandarkar