Hereditary: Hindu Punjabi, Khatri background, her father side and half white British and Sindhi from mother Babita side.
Hindu Khatri, from present-day Punjab/Pakistan, the Peshawar area were known as Hindu Pathans.
The mother's side being fair is from Sindhi and British white.
Anyone can tell you the physical/valor/guts attributes of Pathans, it does not need any introduction.
Sure in Miss Kareena Kapoor, physical fairness comes from hereditary and makeup. Without coloring and hiding dirty face, she is a sick looking alcoholic.
Any person who know these dirty people from inside and whitewashed from outside that she looks a sick addict
Inside fairness let us see, in the present situation most of her extended family Grandfather/father/cousins/uncles/great uncles/are almost all alcoholics/womanizers/sick mind/glutton/red meat lovers. And that is why they all dropped like flies, of heart/liver disease.
Makeup: Please compare her real-life picture of alcohol eaten body with these color coated B.S.

Layers and layers of creams/powder/colors hide their body abuse. Any expert in the trade may tell you she is an addict and painted as Kabuki and she has a following of certain segment of 1.3 billion for jerking offs in their lonely very destitute lives
Look out at her skin without makeup, a typical drug/alcoholic skin break out.
A typical addict on alcohol/substance abuse? however, she is a confirmed alcoholic, from a confirmed alcoholic family and extended family.

These people may be fair from outside, but in fact, are alcoholics/some are druggies/and they made millions from certain sections of 1.3 billion people, who depend on mental masturbation as a pass time.
These actors/actoress a good portion are sick minds and destroying the young generation.
She has a family history of alcoholics, extremely overweight glutton, most of them died due to cancer, liver disease, and related diseases. thanks to alcohol, and red meat.
There is nothing fair about this clan, it is dark/dirty/ugly individuals. A bunch of dirty fish spoils the whole tank/water.
All that shines is not Gold, these are hollow, people, live in a bogus world, drugs/overeating/alcohols/and abuse their bodies. And keep the show business going with false pretenses. A certain segment of 1.3 billion is a fertile ground for their phony world. And results are there, girls/boys jumping from the balconies, put ropes around their necks, threats, and some hoodlums running the industry.