Logic or Analytical thinking is the one that makes us take decisions rationally. This does not work when what we are thinking is not good for us. For example lets say we take a career decision based on money or what is hot in the market, this may land us in trouble.
Creative thinking is one that maybe completely opposite to logical thinking. This is where inventions are made. It is thinking out of logic. It is thinking out of the box.
Intuitive thinking is something we are drawn to through our guts. You dream or think of someone & that person calls you. It cannot be explained. It is beyond logic & creativity. It is also called the Third Eye. You get to know the truth when the eye opens. It can tell us why we are born.
Amygdala is the emotional part of the brain. While facing the audience when you forget the words, while writing an exam when you go blank & your brain freezes. This is also called Amygdala hijack.
In childhood I followed the creative part of the brain. I was full of ideas. I try to use this part now when I have to ideate.
By high school I was following my emotional side. It is when we get stuck with emotions. Fear resides here... This stopped me from moving ahead in life.
After I started to work I became logical because that is what the business world needs.
When I followed my intuition I became a writer and find out why I was born. Now I try and follow my intuition.
The most important part that is missing at workplaces is the creative side.
The most important part that is missing in life for most of us is the intuitive side.
What about you?