I was taking my first trial class as a faculty in the 90's for English preparation for the MBA CAT
Most of the students there were older than me. They were all from rich families and came in their own bikes. My mode of transport was my two feet
I was scared of public speaking then & was underconfident. I was very nervous before the class. As I started to teach they quickly understood that I was nervous & started to make fun of me. I started to make mistakes.
I was scared that they may complain against me
One of them got up & left the class to complain to the management that I was not good.
I realised my game was over. The fear left me. I gave the students a question to solve. They all got the answer wrong. Then I explained them how to find the answer.
Slowly they started to pay attention to what I was teaching. The feedback at the end of the session was good. Thus began my career to train & coach people.
Interestingly now when I take sessions I never prepare for any session. Thanks to that first class I don't experience any fear & anxiety now.
The best way to overcome fear of public speaking is to face it more. Do it as many times till the fear goes away.
I used to fear people laughing at me. After people started to laugh at me and nothing happened I was able to overcome the fear.
Do you experience fear in public speaking?
What have you done about it?
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