As an employee I lived on loans & credit cards. I used to buy whatever I felt like even if I did not have the money.
As an entrepreneur I am debt free & live on debit cards. I buy only what I can afford today. I would buy a new car only when I have cash to buy it & maintain it & pay for its fuel for next 5 years.
As an employee I had a single source of income. As an entrepreneur I have multiple sources of income. As as entrepreneur I can survive for a few years without salary as an employee I could survive only a few months without salary. Entrepreneurs learn to live frugal.
Probably entrepreneurs value money & things more because they have to work harder to get it.
As an employee I was always thinking of buying things. As an entrepreneur I think of creating before consuming.
As an employee everything was dependent on salary which was paid to me every month. As an entrepreneur I take a salary only end of year after paying everyone. If I don't have money left I don't pay myself a salary.
As an Entrepreneur I am able to overcome fear & greed but as an employee I was greedy & fearful.
As an entrepreneur I take bigger risks. As an employee I was fearful to getting fired or quitting my job.
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