When I was detected with #corona virus few months back, a doctor visited me at home, gave to a prescription mentioning at least 7 different types of medicines. After few more days I did the CT scanning which said 50% of my lungs were clogged, and my oxygen level was also dropped to 91. Everyone was panic and was advising me to get admitted into hospital. Al-Though I was having difficulty in breathing but no constant cough. Finally one of my very good Bollywood star friend asked me to consult the best pulmonologist in Mumbai named via video call. Hearing me and after scanning my reports, he sent me the prescription with just two medicines written on it. As a human nature we usually feel, doctor demanding huge fees, prescribed lots of medicine or even few injections add on would increase the worthiness of the fees charged by them. Similarly, when I suggest anyone to do any specific remedy (which is custom made) as per the horoscope of that person, he or she feels sad and ends up the consultation being unsatisfied.
Few people want remedy for every damn thing in their life. If I say you are not to be a doctor, rather you will do excellent in import export business. Immediately he will ask me to suggest a remedy which can make him/her a doctor. No such remedy exists in the world to be a doctor or anything which is not in your destiny.
Before suggesting the remedy situation and objectives needs to be analysed for making customized remedy. There is completely no custom made remedy for becoming overnight billionaire or getting ex girlfriend back or even having promotion in office. At times even remedy will not work in genuine conditions too as the horoscope says bad timing will have to go through, there is no improvement visible in horoscope. Means whatever the bad time or suffering one is going though due to Fixed Karma (Drira karma), no way to change it or escape from it with any sort of remedy. A person with strong 9th house and 9th lord will not be able to change the destiny so easily. A person with strong 10th house or 10th lord will be able to change the life by doing remedies easily. So many factors matter while doing the remedy. If you go through the Karmavipak Sanhita, the list of remedies mentioned there for each type of Karma, very rare can perform them regularly. Now the most important factor when it comes to Remedy. You need to start the remedy on a particular tithi, considering the nakshatra and other factors which is calling Muhurat. Taking right action at the right time matters a lot.
Samay sab se balvan hai.
Oh I forgot to tell, even few people messaged me asking for good remedy which can safeguard them from #covid19. There is not good or bad remedy, only it can be either effective or non effective remedy. No human being can save you prior from such #pandemic. Surrender to God, practice devotion, He, The Almighty can save you..#yusufbhandarkar