Veteran actress-singer Salma Agha doesn't seem too pleased with the way the Versova Police station is handling her handbag theft case. As per police officials, the 65-year-old's handbag, which contained mobile phones and other valuable items was snatched by two thieves on a motorbike over the weekend. Agha then approached the police station but no FIR was registered, according to the actress. Unhappy with the way things are being handled, the veteran actress told a news agency 'There were two mobile phones, some cash, keys and other items in my bag. After I reached (police station) with a complaint, an officer told me it will take three hours to file an FIR. My case was not registered.
Today, I informed the Mumbai Police via Twitter.' She further alleged that this isn't the first incident in her vicinity. She said, 'This was not first such incident in the locality. Earlier, too, similar crimes have been reported. Both the accused were on a high-end motorbike and a police "nakabandi" (blockade) was in place near the spot where the incident took place.' Coming to the incident, according to a police official,
Salma Agha had told the police she was travelling in an auto-rickshaw from her home to a chemist shop in suburban Versova in the early hours of Monday, when the two men riding a motorbike snatched her handbag and sped away. Asked about the delay in registering an FIR in the theft case, a senior official of the Versova police station had said 'We register FIR the same day (of an incident), but the actress said she did not have time and will come later. We approached her again, but she did not turn up. We will lodge the FIR once she comes to the police station.