Posts on Social Media Network looking for jobs for their friends has become common. But does it work?
Most of the time the profile of the job seeker are not even mentioned. Basically there is no way the recruiter or hiring manager will act on it.
If the profiles are added it is mostly at the end people may not read the post completely or even click on the profile. Hence the recruiter or hiring manager may not even see the profile.
Also a personal post helps the reader to connect when it written by the person himself/herself. When written by someone else the impact is lost. So person may not take any action that may help the person.
Now lets do the maths.
Lets assume this post goes viral and gets 100,000 views. Only 1% of this will read the complete post. So that means 1000 people. Now of these 1000 only 1% will click on the profile. So 10 people. Now what is the probability that those 10 people are the recruiter or the hiring manager for the role you want. My guess it is it will be less than 1 in a ten thousand. So this means it wont translate into an interview call.
What do you think?
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