I used to have a lot of regrets as a student. The regrets only increased as I started to work. My life circumstances made it even more difficult for me. It was then I realised that it was a trap to have regrets.
Regrets happen when you wanted life to be different from how it actually happened. It could be because of the actions/decisions you took or did not take. Wrong actions or decisions lead to failures, which lead to regrets.
Most of the time we have expectations from our life, when life does not happen that way we have regrets. It happens more when we don't follow our passion or purpose. Passion is doing what you love to do. Purpose is finding why you are born and then following that path. I did not have the courage to find follow my passion. I was scared to give up things to find my purpose.
When we lose Relationships we have regrets. When we lose opportunities we have even more regrets. Loss or failure is probably the biggest regret especially when you think you could have turned it around.
Money, time & emotions once spent cannot come back. When we spend them at the wrong place we have regrets of wasting them.
But regrets happen when we are greedy or fearful. We want more from life and when we dont get it, we feel regretful. This is why I had regrets.
Those who focus on actions & not on results never have any regret. Giving your best at all times removes regret.
I don't have any regrets from myself or my life now. If it were my last day on earth I would be happy that I led a good life & did whatever best I could. Live everyday with the passion & energy that it is your first day in life. Live everyday with the purpose that this may be my last day on earth. Then we would not have regrets.
What about you?