Cloud bursts, landslides, and warmth waves - we are able to all feel the consequences of global climate change. At a time once we have to save our biodiversity, the Balawala forest in Uttarakhand will lose 25000 trees for development of a pursuit college. Planting new saplings can never replace these ancient trees. Support my cause by asking the Govt. of India to reconsider this plan and save the Balawala Forest.
Save 25000 Trees from being chopped in Balawala for a hunt College in Dehradun
Today We all are tuned in to the apocalyptic effects of global climate change.
This year alone Uttarakhand has faced Glacier burst in winters, cloud bursts and landslides in summers. Just everyday we are attempting to survive from our biggest enemy temperature change.
Only our old forests, untouched River beds can save us.
It is really disappointing to work out educated, policy makers producing projects where thousands of old trees are to be chopped.
On the thanks to Haridwar from Dehradun comes a section called Balawala forest where "25000" trees are visiting be chopped for a installation of a hunt college. Balawala forest almost touches the Shivalik Elephant Reserve, and comes under the forest range of Raipur Area in district dehradun.
In Times of India dated 27th July 2021 one among the forest officer said and that i quote "acquiring land from people requires heavy amount of cash, on the opposite hand the govt. just needs to pay this net value while acquiring the forest land ". 103 acre of this biodiversity rich land for the school campus has also been identified. 5000 trees have also been marked.
We ask our Government to appear into these options -
1)Acquire land from people
2)Use Gram panchayat land
3)Use Nagar Nigam land
4)Since 102 Undergraduate and postgraduate colleges are there in Uttarakhand, give IISER status to any till date of commencement of education and studies in various field of education.
Biodiversity in Balawala forest includes- Elephants a schedule 1 fauna, IUCN red listed endangered specie, leopards, Deers, Snakes,monkeys, wildboars and lots of other local wildlife. Infact, Just last year that's on the 8th of November 2020 a 3 km long solar fencing was inaugurated to prevent the movement of Elephants from Balawala Forest to the nearby human settlements and agricultural fields.
This shows that there's a fashionable Elephant population and if Balawala forest is chopped there is human animals conflict where casualties of either side happen.
Flora consists of Sal , litchi, Jamun, Peepal, Neem, kher, Sheeshum etc.
And most significantly River song. that's one among the last alive rivers of Dehradun.
Importance of Balawala Forest -
1)Balawala forest is a air purifier to Dehradun and its densely populated adjoining areas.
2)It also reduces the possibility of human animal conflict. As both have equal spaces therein habitats
3)Since it's a old forest its capacity to sequester carbon is extremely high.
4)Secure spring water. These naturally grown old forests are the rationale for rainfall, accumulation of water.
5)Maintaining Temperature.
Planting new saplings can never replace these ancient trees.
As we've seen within the past planted saplings haven't survived nor has Tree Transplant as they're over the transplant age.
Dehradun ’s Green cover is decreasing
No amount of Plantation can replace our old forests. But yes new Plantation is additionally necessary for compensating what has been lost. Our endangered elephants need space to commute, reproduce. Already their population is decreasing day by day. We urge our Government to please reconsider this decision and plow ahead with the research college where no forest biodiversity, River, ecosystem is harmed.
We at Mumbai Multimedia Studio looking forward to your positive response from Government of India
#save balawalaforest
The Earth And Climate Initiative from:
Yusuf Bhandarkar 7977231537 Email: