Actor Shilpa Shetty has been facing many issue amid the arrest of businessman husband Raj Kundra arrest for his alleged involvement in the illegal pornographic racket and has been charged section 67A of Information and Technology Act. The content was aired through an app called Hotshots which is allegedly owned by a UK-based company that has a tie-up with Kundra’s Viaan Industries.
According to various reports it was also seen that Shilpa broke down and while seeing her husband she said that their ‘Family reputation’ is ruined and also after all this Shilpa has to give up all her lined up projects. She was also heard saying about the financial losses the family is facing post Kundra’s arrest. Amidst all this, Shilpa Shetty is one of the judges on the dance reality which is aired on Sony TV’s Super Dancer Chapter 4 reported that Shilpa has skipped shoot ever since Raj was arrested.Thus, during her absence, she is going to face some major financial loss of nearly Rs. 2 crore. The source added, Shilpa is the highest paid judge on the show making anywhere between Rs. 18-22 lakhs per episode. With two episodes which is aired every week, the actress is looking at a loss of nearly Rs. 2 crore i.e if she manages to return in the next three weeks. There might be many more such projects of hers that she is currently failing to commit to thereby losing out on huge amount of money.