Shweta Tiwari has landed herself into controversy after her remark on God is taking her bra size. The actress was recently in Bhopal to push her upcoming web series ad within the video she is seen joking saying, " Mera bra ka size bhagwaan jaanta hai". However in what context the actress said this is often yet to be out! Shweta Tiwari is one amongthe foremost successful actresses' and whatever she does or say becomes news. And without delay her 'bra' remark goes VIRAL and netizens are slamming her massively. She is named shameful, disgusting and cheap. Many netizens have even demanded her arrest and threatened that they're going to boycott her. We wonder if Shweta will issue a clarification as she has been receiving plenty of criticism. Take a glance at how people are expressing their anger over Shweta Tiwari.
What is the controversy with the TV actress Shweta Tiwari in Bhopal (MP)?
Shweta Tiwari says 'God is taking bra size', MP Home Minister asks Bhopal commissioner to appear into controversial statement. Shweta Tiwari is in trouble for her controversial statement during the promotion of an online series. Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has asked Bhopal commissioner to research the matter.
Popular television actress Shweta Tiwari has hit the hornet's nest along with her controversial statement during the promotion of her upcoming web series, which also stars Sourabh Raaj Jain and Rohit Roy. During the launch event of the net series, Shweta had said that her bra size is being taken by 'bhagwaan', which has not gone down well with many.
Shweta Tiwari was recently in Bhopal to push her upcoming web series, which is predicated on the style world. The series also stars Sourabh Raaj Jain, who is understoodfor enjoying Lord Krishna in Mahabharat. Speaking about the identical, Shweta is heard saying in a very video, "Meri bra ka size bhagwaan le rahe hain." She is being criticised for her statement and joking about God.
Shweta Tiwari's troubles might increase post the controversial statement made in Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra has taken cognizance of Shweta Tiwari's controversial statement. While chatting with media, Narottam Mishra said, "I have seen and heard Shweta Tiwari's statement. I condemn it - I' 've got instructed Bhopal commissioner to analyze and submit a report back to me soon. Action are going to be taken subsequently."