A lot of times, writers end up getting all the credit for the stories we write. Our comments section is a testament to that. But there is an entire army behind the scenes that’s responsible for a story to come out the way it does.
Editors helping reporters sift through their reporting to find the most compelling angle for the story, the desk combing the draft for inconsistencies, gaps and making the story readable, the design team uplifting stories with their graphics & VFX animations.
There is one more core constituent without which the stories would fall flat—our sources.
As reporters & newsletter correspondent, half the battle for telling the right story lies in finding the right sources. Sources help us further our understanding, filling in missing pieces of crucial information, and, many times, tell us what we should be looking for. Their role is one of the most underrated aspects of quality journalism. My friends often ask me, why do your sources talk to you? There could be many reasons, but what ends up mattering the most is their desire to share their knowledge with the world and to help speak truth to power..