Wakeup, Dressup, Showup, Act is probably the basic step of success. Live one day at a time. I always think I am born in the morning & die after I sleep. This simplifies my life completely. Living in the present is all about mindfulness. I was stuck in the past or future.
Goals limited me. It took me 20 years to achieve most of my goals. Only then I realised how I had wasted my time. In the next 5 years I achieved what I could not achieve in 20 yrs. It was at least 10 times more effective.
Actions are more important that results.
Process is the most powerful. Get attached to actions than results.
DOTS(Do One Thing Surely) is the simplest way to achieve impossible results. Start with
DOTS for an hour
DOTS for a day
DOTS for a week
DOTS for a month
DOTS for a year
What do you think?