Entertainment Eagle-eyed fans were recently up in arms about the status of the Chopra-Jonas marriage after the “Quantico” actress removed her last names from her social media accounts. It remains unclear why Priyanka dropped her last names from the profiles. The 40-years-old actress washed away all fears of a split from husband Nick Jonas with a simple — but thirsty — comment on his latest workout video.
“Damn! I just died in your arms…,” the “Only Human” singer’s wife commented on the Instagram posted Monday afternoon.
She added the heart-eye emoji and the sweating emoji to further drive home her point. The video in question shows Jonas, 29, powering through some heavy bicep curls while staring at himself in the mirror.
But Chopra’s workout comment may allow fans worried about a split between the photogenic couple to breathe a sigh of relief about the status of their romance. Prior to the relationship pseudo-scare, everything seemed hunky-dory between the two..