Instills a natural degree of trust from authority. Jeff Bezos, founder Telemarketing List of Amazon once said: A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn a reputation for trying to do difficult things well. From recognition to Telemarketing List memory As a marketer in the service of a brand, the battle to be top of mind becomes more intense. Certainly because there are more and more ways in which communication from Telemarketing List a brand can be consumed.
Becoming top of mind is not about Telemarketing List recognizing a brand, but being able to name it directly from a memory. Achieving this milestone with your target audience requires a smart long-term approach. As a brand, you undergo four Telemarketing List levels in the mind of your target group from this journey. Based on marketing mogul, David Aaker 's brand loyalty pyramid , the levels are: no awareness, recognition, brand recall, and Telemarketing List top of mind are: No awareness: the brand has no name recognition in the market yet.
Brand recognition: the target Telemarketing List group recognizes the brand by, for example, the logo or the slogan. Brand recall: The brand is actively mentioned in relation to the type of product/service. Top of mind: the first brand mentioned with Telemarketing List a product, service or similar brand. To climb as a brand from level 1 to 4 in the mind of the target group, an effective and targeted brand strategy is needed. Relevance to the Telemarketing List target group and being distinctive in the market are essential factors for success in this regard.