In a horrific incident, an Andhra woman murdered her husband and so walked into the station house together with his severed head wrapped in a bag. The accused woman was identified as 50-year-old Vasundhara while the victim was identified as 53-year-old Ravi Chandran. Reportedly, the couple are parents of a 20-year-old son and quarreled lots which led them to measure a disturbing life. In one such verbal altercation, the wife was enraged to some extent she ended up stabbing the husband repeatedly. She ended up beheading the victim and later put the topin a verybag. She then took to the Renigunta police and surrendered before them.
This is the news I saw where this lady murders her husband. Now the question is what made me upset is that some women within the comments section are supporting the criminal women and praising her.
They are commenting and putting all the blame to the dead husband saying he must done something which pushed her to kill him. Like seriously now you're supporting a criminal. Now, think what is going to happen if I comment something like “The women must have done something which made her husband to beat her" in an exceedingly violence case?
Whatever the case is you can not take laws in your hand. There are judiciary system to handle those. Supporting a criminal simply because she could be a women upsets me.