This is a question asked by many men at the onset of their sexual relationship. Aurogra 100 and other prescription medicines may help control your erectile dysfunction but it will be a temporary solution and the permanent solution lies in treating your mental condition which is the lack of desire for lovemaking.
It is natural to have an abnormal mental condition and to feel a lack of desire for lovemaking. You need to go through emotional trauma or any other reason which may have disrupted your sexual life. Maybe you were fired from your job and couldn't find a mate because of your disability or maybe you became too old to go out and look for one. Don't worry! Anything is possible if you want to make this problem a thing of the past.
This chart will help you to analyze yourself and understand the real problem. Once you have identified the problem correctly, you have to find a permanent solution. This can be done only by engaging in exercises. There are many exercises that can help you to improve your performance in bed. Vidalista 60 cures erectile dysfunction permanently.
This problem should never be ignored because it has very serious effects on your health. It can lead to lots of complications like stress, anxiety, depression, and even high blood pressure. One of the most important things is that you should never take it for granted. You should get rid of it as soon as possible.