Over the last 10–15 years a brand new culture has developed within the corporate sector where if you've got worked with only 1 organization you become some reasonably untouchable for other organizations. In fact, you lose value in your own organization itself. Your own organization might take you without any consideration. they're going to think that there's no taker for you within the market intrinsically you're sticking there out of compulsion. before the year, 2000 opportunities for changing organizations were very limited since the market was still not fully open. But after 2005 the market started opening and new opportunities were created both at horizontal and vertical levels. ‘So changing jobs became a replacement norm.
Things have come to a situation where if you have got not changed your organization in ten years particularly if you have got not grown vertically possibly you're dead meat. you'll be thrown out any time whether or not you're achieving your KRA and targets. you'll be taken as lack of drive, aspiration, ambition, and somebody who isn't able to move out of your temperature. In today's world temperature is that the biggest killer. It kills your adaptability which is extremely essential to survive in an exceedingly new situation or a metamorphosis. Industries are changing at a far faster pace thanks to technology obsoleting, lifestyle change, changes in disposable earnings, and changes in taste. Things were different till say 2000. To an outsized extent, things were still with limited competition. But now things have changed and folks without ambition are an excellent burden for any organization. These people pull down organizational efficiency and productivity because they need no urge to excel and upskill
A recent study by McKinsey found that the typical lifespan of companies listed in Standard & Poor's 500 was 61 years in 1958. Today, it's but 18 years. McKinsey believes that, in 2027, 75% of the businesses currently quoted on the S&P 500 will have disappeared. As per the forecast, the common lifespan of a Fortune 500 company could shrink to simply 12 years by 2027. So just think how long you'll survive in your organization unless you alter your job.
Coming back to your question - political situations are changing with time. We see more defection. We see political leaders switching parties very often. Politicians are facing the battle of survival. Fighting elections became hugely expensive, particularly within the last 10–15 years. Ideology alone wouldn’t allow you to stay to at least one party unless your financial needs don't seem to be taken care of or the price of fighting election is taken care of. does one think that every one these 40 odd MLAs who have gone to the Shinde group don't like Uddhav Thackeray or love Eknath Shinde more? Definitely not. I'm sure financial consideration must are the foremost important consideration together with other things which you'd know. Organization loyalty doesn’t matter much nowadays unless financial needs are taken care of. you'll not fight election with empty hands.

As regards Eknath Shinde and his group of MLAs are concerned, let's watch for the SC order on the fate of Shiv Sena party ownership. If the Eknath group loses the battle for party ownership then it'll face an psychological state. it'll be forced to seem for the subsequent best alternative. I don't see too many options for Eknath Shinde. altogether probability, he needs to consider merging with another party since floating a brand new party isn't that easy. whether or not he forms a replacement party, survival of the party area issue, particularly after the completion of this term. In what way the new party are different from the prevailing other parties? during a state like Maharashtra creating a celebration identity is an absolutely difficult task. the majority find yourself being fringe parties with little or no bargaining power. Ultimately the Shinde group are forced to merge with one amongst the biggies - BJP, SS, NCP, or Congress. I don't see an excellent future for Shinde unless he joins BJP and he elbows out Fadnavis from the leadership position
Eknath Shinde will always have a trust deficiency wherever he would go. As regards his MLAs are concerned they'll take sides looking on party strength in their area or region. coming to Shiv Sena is additionally a break. This I feel are selected a piecemeal basis unless the complete group merges with BJP within the near future.