The learning process requires research from students and part-time young scientific specialists, which will be useful both theoretically and practically in the area of a certain issue. One of such scientific studies is the final qualification work, which will confirm that the student has the necessary knowledge and skills to continue his studies or further work in his specialty. In order to write the final qualifying work correctly and not receive comments from the commission or the scientific adviser, one should take into account the subtleties of the formation of a scientific text in advance. Special attention should be paid to highlighting the subject and the object.
What is the difference between an item and an object?
The subject and object must necessarily correlate with the topic chosen for the final qualifying work, which is why the first thing to think about is the question on which the student will work in the research. To make it easier to highlight the subject and object, the topic should be formulated more clearly.
A scientific category of research designating a specific area of a specific issue. The property is very large, therefore it stands out widely. Each depart during the presentation of the material. Also, the practical part, which is present in every scientific research, should be based on the support on the selected object. The object must always be thought over in advance, and attention should also be paid to its aspects, which should also be covered in the study.
Some specific space of the asked question, which should be studied in paper writer. The subject is the specified area of the object, which the student undertakes to study. This is a specific narrow problem that the final qualifying work is devoted to. The subject and the object cannot be formulated in the same way, the subject necessarily clarifies, brings clarity and concreteness to the question of what exactly the student is studying in his work. The object consists of a number of objects, which all at once cannot be covered in one work, since this is a long study.