At the time, the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, The Arabs were the masters of literature and eloquence. The Quran challenged them by saying: "And if you're doubtful of what we've sent right down to Our (faithful) Servant (Muhammad), then create one Sura form thereof, and call your witnesses aside from Allah, if you're truthful."
Prophet Mohamed was illiterate, thus springing up with inimitable literary excellence and eloquence verses within the Quran could be a miracle and a symptom that it's impossible to be produced by him, even by the Arabs themselves.
Maurice Bucaille, the French medical doctor said in his book “The Bible, the Quran and Science” 1978, p. 125, and that I quote:
“It is impossible that Muhammad (peace be upon him) authored the Quran. How could a person, from being illiterate, become the foremost important author, in terms of literary merits, within the whole of Arabic literature? How could he then pronounce truths of a scientific nature that no other human-being could possibly have developed at that point, an all this without once making the slightest error in his pronouncement on the subject?”
This is only one aspect, the Quran has tackled many scientific points that haven't been presented before such as: the rotation of the world, the surrendering of the Sun and also the Moon, the secrets of the creation of mountains, the arrival of the planet, plus more.
The writing of the Hadith at either the start or the tip wasn't permitted by Prophet Muhammad, (pbuh). Instead, he delivered the subsequent message from the Quran during this regard.
“Is it not enough for them that we've got revealed to you the Book which is recited to them? Most surely there's mercy during this and a reminder for land who believe” ( Al Quran # 29:51)
And the verse:
"These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. within which HADITH aside from God and His revelations do they believe?"(Al Quran #45:6)
And the verse:
“One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and that we shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and that we have sent right down to thee the Book EXPLAINING ALL THINGS, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims” (Al Quran # 16: 89)
However, the lads with agendas even overlook the subsequent hadith, which they often quote:
“Do not write anything from me; whoever has written anything from me aside from the Qur'an, let him erase it and narrate from me, for there's nothing wrong therewith.” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Zuhd wa’l-Raqaa’iq, 5326)
They simply boost it, disregarding all the verses I cited, that the Prophet initially forbade the writing of Hadith but later permitted it - despite the actual fact that there's no evidence the Prophet ever said it.
It follows from a straightforward logic that if the so-called Hadiths were necessary, Allah Subhan Taala' could have included them within the Quran or the Prophet could have separately collated them into a "book of Hadith" with the identical accuracy he wont to compile the complete Quran during his lifetime. He must not have left this significant task for men who are naturally contentious and fallible