1. Self Discipline & habit
2. Balance in the head
3. Negative thoughts
4. Attracting good things/people
I struggled with all these things.
I was lazy, lacked consistency, struggled with self discipline, was unable to form good habits. All of these are required for success.
Balance in the head is important when you things dont go your way. I would lose my balance when I would not the results I expected.
Negative thoughts prevented me from moving forward I got stuck here the most. I was overthinking most of the time. This led to clinical depression.
I was not attracting good things & people in my life. This made me unhappy & made me feel depressed. We attract what we are. Only when we change inside do things change outside.
Interestingly martial arts teaches us the first two. Psychology & NLP teaches us the third one. The law of attraction teaches us the last one.
What about you?
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