1. Teacher from school/college 2. Parents/family/friends 3. Colleagues/Managers/Leaders 4. Time & Life:)
I had 2 teachers who changed my life.
The first was my mom. My mom taught me how to read, write, walk & talk. She then taught me how to conduct myself. She had a beautiful handwriting, was extremely organised & worked harder than anyone I met.
She taught me how to help people & give to others freely. She would sacrifice for people in her life without letting them know.
The biggest lesson she taught me was DOTS (Do One Thing Surely). Once she put her mind to something nothing stopped her. She was focused like a laser. Relentless in pursuit. She would miss the target but never stop or give up. Nothing could break her without her permission.
She was like the ant who would make small progress everyday but by the time you knew she had achieved it.
Strangely she left me a few years ago, but now she lives on through me. I am trying to give to the world & to follow DOTS every single day. I remember her everyday.
The second teacher I had was time & life. Time showed me how some things can change quickly & sometimes not change for years. I went through several years of failure. Nothing changed till I changed.
Life taught me that you have to be brave to face it. What does not kill me makes me stronger. It taught me that I have to learn & change 1% every single day. Now life to me means learning.
Wishing you all a Happy Teachers Day.
Who was your greatest teacher? Are you following DOTS? Are you learning & changing everyday?
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