Here are several traditions that have been practiced in India from ancient times, and which people continue to practice because their forefathers asked them to. Many people find cow dung repulsive, but it is implanted in homes in Indian villages.
In Hinduism, the cow is revered and is known as Gow Maata (Cow, The mother). In India, cow dung and urine are regarded sacred. In Indian villages, cleaning using cow dung is a common practice.
After cleaning their dwellings, rural folks apply the cow-dung paste on the walls and floors to make their homes pure, just as urban people paint their houses to give them a festive air.
The Advantages of Using Cow Dung According to recent studies, cow dung has the ability to eliminate microorganisms that are dangerous to people. Cow dung is thought to be beneficial to one's health. It is high in minerals and has a high antibacterial factor.
It protects humans from a wide range of diseases and health problems. Small insects such as scorpions and centipedes avoid areas where the paste of cow dung has been applied.
Cow dung is an effective insect repellant. Mosquitoes avoid such environments. The cow dung-coated floor remains warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Cow dung is applied to the outside walls of homes in rural areas and allowed to dry. These dry cow dung cakes are used by the villagers.
Caked and dried cow dung is utilized as a fuel in many parts of the developing world, as well as in alpine regions of Europe in the past. Cow manure is also utilized as a biogas plant's raw material.
It is said that if we use Vedic practices and live a Vedic lifestyle, we can live a disease-free life.
In addition, The Many Uses of Cow Dung is edtablished- A Natural and Renewable Resource.Cow dung or feces is a mixture of indigestible plant material, water, and other substances that is released from the animal's intestine. Feces is generally not a favourite topic of conversation, whether it comes from an animal or a human. Cow dung is worth discussing, though. It's a useful material and helps us in a variety of ways. It's also a plentiful and renewable resource. It's a shame when it's wasted.