Curiosity is a natural instinct, an emotional behavior found in humans and animals that compels / encourages them to search for information and that's the need of hours as of in this information age, where masses looking and searching another information up to highest level to tackle them confidentially. It has a survival tendency in certain species it has in their genes, especially in very young ones. In this articles we will cover up the hidden information to know the fact its real or a fake. Although, people are creating so many emails, FB page, instagram pages, youtube, tiktok, etc etc But till date as of now I still have one and only one page on all social media - just type Yusuf Bhandarkar and you will find it - and with one and only one, I, myself manage/s to gain more traffic and gets viral not only that but on the first top 3 on google search engine. But on the same time requesting with an appeal to Mark Zuckerberg to extends the limit of the friend list upto 15000 instead of 5000 - which gives me extra task to remove unfriend inactive friend list from my FB Page.
Social networks have become an entertainment show that satisfies the curiosity of many people. However, sometimes, the public information they post on social networks is not enough and they want to know more by overcoming some ethical barriers. In this article we show you how to satisfy one of these curiosities and we will show you how we can see other users' hidden friends on Facebook.
As the years go by, the number of privacy options that Facebook has implemented has increased in many cases. The various security breaches that have been identified, Cambridge Analytics is one of the deadliest and most important, drowning out every sign of fame and credibility that could still be left in Mark Zuckerberg's company.
With Google Plus (Google's social network) Google Plus (Google's social network) with our security options in addition to who can see our publications, who can access our friends list Facebook allows us to establish how easy and convenient our publications, friends To configure the list field ... but preventing other people with the right people from accessing the list of friends hidden in this platform's profile is not a faulty method.
Facebook Friends Mapper
Developer Bennett Coleman, caught in 2019 showing how friends lists work on Facebook, an activity that doesn't really allow you to hide friends lists on this platform until you find a friend in general.
Facebook Allows Your Friends to Set Facebook Visibility "Only Me" to keep our friends list private from third parties, however, even if you configure your friends list as private, other users will see part of the list for the Facebook Friend Mapper extension.
The Facebook Friends Mapper extension has been available in the Web Chrome Store for several years, but it is no longer available. However, we have looked for the extension to be able to download and install Chromium in any browser from the mobile forum, be it Chrome, Edge etc..
How to download Facebook Friends Mapper
The Facebook Friends Mapper extension is not available in the Google Extension Stores and does not appear to be available again because it takes advantage of a Facebook bug to be able to access our Facebook users' friends list until they are able to access another Facebook user's friends list (although it Not really).
To download Facebook Friends Mapper, we must click on the link below. This link takes us to a web page that explains how the extension works and from where we can also download it to install it later in our browser.
How to install Facebook Friends Mapper
After downloading the file we unzip it and we execute the .exe file so that it is installed on our computer as an extension for Chrome.
How Facebook Friends Mapper Works
Once the application is installed on our computer we have Google Chrome and we access our Facebook profile. After that, we must have access to the Facebook page for users who keep their friends secret.
At that time, a new option under the name will appear Friends Publish.
Clicking on the button that displays a list we can find in this line that the image is similar.
Through publication
Facebook Friends Mapper is a great tool, but it is possible that at any time Facebook will modify the activity of the hidden friends list when we have a match, so we must have other alternative methods, methods are not as effective as they should be, but it gives us an idea of that idea. Lets see how Facebook users have friends without the need to be friends with that person
To do this, simply access any publication until the person is published and press the icon that represents the number of people who have expressed their feelings / sensations on the subject, a button in the bottom left corner of The Post.
Those who have spoken about this post will be listed below. In most cases, if it's not about celebrities or accounts that many people follow, you'll only find that person's friends, so a legitimate way to do this is to find a list of someone's hidden friends on Facebook.
Unlike the Facebook Friends Mapper extension, which must be installed on a desktop or laptop computer, this little strategy is available through the web version of Facebook and directly through the app for mobile devices and tablets.
How to hide your friends list on Facebook
Hiding our friends list from another person allows us to always keep our privacy in check. If we want to turn our friends list into a personal list that only we have access to, we must perform the steps you see below:
We access the Facebook website with our profile.
We go to the Settings and Privacy section, clicking on the last icon in the top right corner represented by the inverted triangle.
Click Configuration between Settings and Privacy. The privacy options that Facebook provides us will be displayed below.
In the left column, click Privacy. Now, in the right column we are looking for the option Who can see your friends list? And click Edit.
Finally, we click on the option we have set to select all the options available to us from this platform: Public, Friends, Specific Friends, Friends of Friends, Just Me, or Friends except Custom.
Of all these options, we must choose me. From this moment on, no one else will be able to access our friends list on this social network.
The steps to follow the app for mobile devices are exactly the same, but instead of doing it through the browser, we'll do it through the menu that shows us the app in the settings and privacy section. For more information do visit our website where you will find more tips and tricks to follow up your genuine activities at