Indians are not just cooking, Instagramming or taking online lessons while at home or work from home. They are also visiting astrology websites and connecting with online astrologers to know their post-corona future phase after phase. Although, the olden concept of obsession with talking parrots and crystal balls goes back a long time, the pandemic and the prolonged lock down has furthered our belief in the pseudoscience. Therefore, based on Stars movement as a Saturday Special on Astrology prediction for coming year 2021 with welcome gesture, Mumbai Multimedia Studio creates a 21 pathways and guidance for our well wishers, readers, patrons, and audiences.
✔️It’s time to take responsibilities. ✔️The ultimate decision maker of 2021 is going to be #Saturn. He is the final dispositor and thus has the last word. ✔️Start working on your long term goal, at the end of Saturn #Capricorn transit, you may be blessed by Saturn’s positive fruits. ✔️Depression can be the by product of 2021. However, if we focus our energies into meaningful endeavours, we can fight the inclination towards a gloom-and-doom attitude. ✔️Coming season is going to be the End of procrastination. Till now whatever you were avoiding or procrastinating will gear up to trap you back. ✔️Stay in touch with your needs. ✔️When Saturn will move to Shravana, things can start falling slowly on track all over the world, little control over #Corona can be expected. ✔️For sure now there will be a price to pay for excessive pessimistic and rigid behaviours. ✔️Your authority will be able to see through your excuses, so it’s best to cut the bullshit and embrace the transformative guidance. ✔️We are going to be accountable for our action, NO escape from it. ✔️New year goal now is to begin with long term well built structures. ✔️Do not waste your time or resources, you may get the negative effect of it immediately. ✔️We all will have to learn to enjoy that there are freedom and liberation in abiding certain rules. When Ultimately Rahu will move to Rohini in April, our life will be more restricted. No way we can lead the life similar to 2017/18. ✔️No matter what is going inside your head, you will have to now strive towards more order, integrity, discipline, patience, and perseverance. Do we have any other choice? ✔️2021 can be excellent year for grabbing more property, asset. Of course, for those who has little Dasha support. ✔️Pay extra attention to bones, knee, lower part of the body. ✔️General knowledge or generalization of anything will not be much appreciable; rather Specializations will work best now. ✔️Be sure you are intaking blood-sugar balanced diet. ✔️First three months of 2021 will be tough around the world. So preserve your energy, and resources to deal with any situation. Do not shy away or hesitate from taking big decisions and fresh start-ups. So buckle up, be a cosmic warrior, cheers Up Hindustani's we are with you .. #yusufbhandarkar your friend indeed at your service with more prediction in future
