Who actually clicks on Google search ads????
One of our social media optimisation staff at MMS Mumbai Multimedia Studio - in our studio, and in regards and reference to our previous blogs https://www.multimediastudio.net/post/google-ad-sense-www-multimediastudio-net - once asked me to swing by to help her install a screensaver on her work PC. It was of a puppy licking a window and it was filmed to look like the dog was licking your computer screen from the inside.
I asked her where she found it, "Oh on this website here look". She pulled up the site and said, "How strange it was right there!?". She scrolled down a bit and without skipping a beat announced, "There it is!" and then clicked the find out of 250 x 250 Adsense unit.
I mean, she didn't just click it. She almost broke the desk she clicked that ad with so much pride and excitement.
I was SHOCKED. I asked her if she knew that was an ad and she didnt. She also didnt care. She wanted that screensaver and nothing else mattered.
I started asking and observing more people about this (both search and adsense ads) and couldn't believe how often they clicked the ads. Most users have no clue about ad networks, link exchanges, SEO or any of that. They couldn't imagine in a million years that we're capable of retargeting or demographic targeting.
Of the users who did consider themselves tech savvy almost none of them knew about CPC or keyword bidding. They had some jumbled understanding of CPM but even that was basic, "the more people who go to a site the more money the site makes" was about it.
I know all of this is shocking but its true. Google has become one of the most powerful companies on earth because they were first to stumble on this and scale it.Do all it takes, to keep your child safe. Start with vaccination for Covid 19.
Really good question with great description. Let me give you the answer for each one of them.
Who are these people generating $billions for Google?
These people are advertisers not the people clicking on the ad the advertiser are generating billions for Google in exchange of traffic & sales they generate when user lands on their page clicking the ad.
For example, are they confused and don't realize that they're clicking an ad—or do they know it, and think the paid result actually looks better than the organic ones?
Out of 100 people clicking the ad I assume 75% of them wont know that this are ads a
The users who enter search queries in the Google search engine are the ones who end up clicking on those ads. Although this is not the only way the users end up clicking on those search ads, so let us see what are the other ways users end up clicking on those ads.
When you are creating a Google search campaign in Google Ads, you will find the option to select networks where the search ads will be shown. Those networks are as follows:
1. Search Network
2. Google Search Partners

Search Network:
The ads are shown above or below on Google search results. The ads are shown on Google search sites as well. Now you might be wondering what are Google search sites. These are Google properties such as Google Images, Google Play, Google Maps with the Maps app included, and Google Shopping. The ads may appear above, below, or beside the search results on them.
Google Search Partners:
The ads are eligible to show on the search results of Google search partners’ websites. The places where they can appear are non-Google websites, Google Video, and some Google sites. The CTR that your ads have received on search partner sites does not affect the Quality Score of your ads on Google search results. You have the option to opt-out of search partners if you don’t want your ads to be shown on search partners.
Also, the ads that appear on the Search Network have a label to them and appear in a certain way. They are as follows:
Text ads, or Dynamic Search Ads:
These are very common ads on the Search Network. The ad extensions are many of the times included in them. The ad extensions provide information or details of the advertisers’ business. The ads are shown with the label “Ad” or “Ads” on the Google search results and may have a label "Ads by Google" on search partner sites.
Shopping ads:
The label with which the shopping ads appear on search partner sites is “Ads by Google”, and on google search results page, they appear with a label “Ad”, “Ads”, or “Sponsored”. These ads are shown on the search network with the link to the website where the products are for sales.
As keywords are the key factor for the success of search ads, you should use them effectively in order to get clicks on your search ads. The keywords have match types that play a significant role and work differently than each other to show for search queries. The keyword match types are as follows:
1. Broad Match
It is the default match type. It reaches the audiences whose search queries may probably be too different than the keywords you have included. However, you are able to show your ads for as many search queries as possible, but the drawback that comes with this is getting too many irrelevant clicks. The ads can trigger on searches that include synonyms, misspellings, relevant variations, and related searches. No symbol is used along with the keyword.
2. Modified Broad Match
The (+) symbol is used before the keywords and these keywords with symbol should definitely be in the search query of the user for the ads to be served. The ads can be triggered on search terms that include (+) symbol or close variations of it in any order. More words can appear before, in between, or after the terms.
3. Phrase Match
In this, Ads can trigger on searches that include a phrase or close variations of that phrase with more words before or after it. The keywords are added to the Keywords list under quotation marks. The search terms, however, should be in the same order the keywords are included in the Keywords list for the ads to be triggered for it.
4. Exact Match / Broad Match:
The ads will be triggered on searches that include exact terms or close variations of that exact terms with the same meaning. The keyword is added in the Keywords list under the square bracket. The relevance of the search query is high but it can limit the reach.
Also, if you are just planning for setting up a new PPC campaign
Thank you - for more details visit our website www.multimediastudio.net
