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Gratitude - the feeling, quality of being grateful/thankful, appreciation, something for help return

Writer's picture: Yusuf Ali BhandarkarYusuf Ali Bhandarkar

Updated: Dec 20, 2020

There was a bird lived in a desert, very sick, no feathers, nothing to eat and drink, no shelter to measure in. sooner or later a dove was passing by, that the sick sad bird stopped the dove and inquired "where you going?" response in replied " I'm aiming to heaven".

On that the sick bird aforesaid "please verify on behalf of me, once my suffering can return to associate end?" The dove aforesaid, "sure, I will." and bid a decent bye to the sick bird. The dove reached heaven and shared the message of the sick bird with the angel in charge at the doorway gate of Heaven.

The angel aforesaid, "For succeeding seven years of its life the bird has got to suffer like this, no happiness until then."

The dove aforesaid, "When the sick bird hears this he can get demoralized. might you recommend any answer for this."

The Angel replied, "Tell him to recite this verse *"Thank you God for everything."* The dove on meeting the sick bird once more, delivered the message of the angel to him. After seven days the dove was once more passing by and saw that bird was terribly happy, feathers grew on his body, a little plant grew up within the desert space, a little pool of water was conjointly there, the bird was singing and dance cheerfully. The dove was amazed. The Angel had aforesaid that there would be no happiness for the bird for succeeding seven years. With this question in mind the dove visited visit the angel at heaven's gate.

The dove place his question to the Angel. The Angel replied, "yes it's true there was no happiness for the bird for seven years however as a result of the bird was reciting the verse *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"* in each state of affairs, his life modified. When the bird fell down on the new sand it aforesaid *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"* When it couldn't fly it aforesaid, *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"* When it absolutely was thirsty and there was no water around, he said, *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"*

Whatever the state of affairs, the bird unbroken on continuance, *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"* and so the seven years got dissolved in seven days. _When I detected this story, I felt an incredible shift in my means of feeling, thinking, acceptive and viewing life._

I adopted this verse in my life, regardless of the state of affairs I moon-faced I started reciting this verse *"THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING".* It helped myself to shift my read from what I failed to ought to what I actually have in my life.

For instance; if my head aches I convey GOD that the remainder of my body is totally fine and healthy and that I noticed that the headache doesn't trouble ME in any respect. In the same manner I started victimization this verse in my relationships (whether family, friends, neighbours, colleagues ) finances, social life, business and everything with that I will relate. I shared this story with everybody I came involved with and it brought an excellent shift in their behaviour too.

This simple verse very had a deep impact on my life, i started feeling however blessed i'm, however happy I'm, however smart life is.

The purpose of sharing this message is to create all people responsive to however powerful the *“ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE”* is. It will reshape our lives...!!! Lets recite this verse endlessly to expertise the shift in our life. So be grateful, and see the modification in your perspective. _*Be humble, and you may never stumble.*_ *- REMEMBER! "THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING"* Thanx Almighty for everything...

  • "Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."

  • "I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.


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