Gift is an object which is given freely without expecting anything to the nearest and Dearest on particular occasion as a token of Expressing their gratitude, love and friendship, Gifts will be remembered for longer time or life time. Some of the common occasions are Birth Day, Marriage, Anniversaries, Festivals, Personal Celebrations etc. A story draft and published by Mumbai Multimedia Studio - expressing love to dearest and nearest one.
One friend asked another friend - A conversation:
"What did your husband gift you to celebrate your child's birth?"
The friend replied that he failed to give her anything.
The first friend was surprised and questioned her friend on whether this was an honest thing. She asked her friend "Does he not value you at all?"
After sowing the seed of such poisonous thoughts the primary friend left, leaving her friend worried and doubtful.
After sometime the husband comes home for Dhur (afternoon) prayer and sees his wife's sullen face. While inquiring about it both start fighting which results in them cursing at one another which ends up in physical fight and eventually a divorce.
Do you know the foundation of this problem?
It was one unnecessary dialogue with a lover who had come to ask about her friends health.
Similarly Zaid asked Hamed;
Z- "Where does one work?"
H- "In some store"
Z- "What is your monthly income?"
H- "18,000 Rupees"
Z- "Just 18,000? How does one live off so little?"
H- **Breathes deeply** "What shall I say my friend!"
The conversation ends...
A few days later Hamed has become tired of something of his job and asks his boss to extend his salary. The boss refuses and Hamed leaves the task and now has no job. He had work before but now he has no work -penniless like me (author)
A man spoke to a different man who lived far from his son.
He asked him, "Your son involves meet you little. Does he not have any love for you?"
The man replied that his son could be a busy man and features a tight work schedule. He also incorporates a wife and youngsters, so he has little or no time.
The first man said, "What does one mean! You brought him up, you nurtured him, fulfilled all his wishes and now you rationalize with yourself for no reason that due to his other engagements he doesn't have any time to satisfy you! I tell you this can be only an excuse to not meet. After this conversation something complain against the son started growing within the father's heart. Whenever the son would come to fulfill then the daddy would only keep thinking that he has time for everybody except me.
*Remember* The words that leave your mouth have a deep and big effect on others. Yusuf Bhandarkar - CEO Mumbai Multimedia Studio - The Digital Marketing Agency
Without any doubt there are some people through whose tongue the Shaytaan speaks.
In our existence some questions seem very innocent to us. "Why did you not buy anything for me?" "Why don't you've got this?" "How are you able to spend your whole life with this person?" "How are you able to believe him?" We unknowingly ask away many such questions innocently stupidly of their consequences. stupidly about which seed we are getting ready to plant in someone's heart? The seed of affection or of hate and doubt.
In today's times if we head to the basis of all the chaos and fights that are happening around us, most frequently it'll be thanks to some other person (fitna) they do not realize that whatever they said intentionally or unintentionally can destroy someone's life. Do not become a trouble maker and a spreader of doubt and evil.
Enter other people's home blind and leave it deaf.
The conclusion of a story, often called the resolution or denouement, is represented by the bottom of the pyramid on the right side. During the conclusion, loose ends are tied up and the conflict is resolved. Many stories have clear-cut plots that follow a simple pyramid shape, but other stories might have a slightly different structure..