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Astrologically & Digitally Speaking Working Abroad - as per the 12th Houses in Astrology - The Bhava

Writer's picture: Yusuf Ali BhandarkarYusuf Ali Bhandarkar

In Indian Vedic astrology, also, the twelve houses are called Bhava and have meanings very similar to their Western counterparts. The houses are divided into four 'bhavas' which point to 'mood' or what the house stands for. These four bhavas are Dharma with Karma (duty), Artha (resources), Kama (pleasure) and Moksha (liberation) & in continuation of our prior articles on the subject mentioned is as follows:-

I prefer ABROAD instead of Home Sweet Home !!! Pray I must FLY abroad soon - Inshallah!

Many ask the Mumbai Multimedia Studio how to make 3rd house strong. When I ask them why? Simple they say they want to have good will power. Yes, 3rd house is for will power. But this is also the house of courage, adventure. Too much power to your 3rd may make you put lots of effort and uneven adventurous life.

You will only put lots of will power when you will face obstacles and hurdles in life, so there should not be the scenario in life where you need to show loads of effort and will power. Life is smoother where average willpower works wonder in life.

Strengthening 3rd house doesn’t mean your communication will be super smooth. It may create more hurdles in life as 3rd house is 6th from your profession house 10th.

Too much 3rd house activation may not let you stay at home and enjoy family life and beautiful moments at home. As it will undo the 4th house qualities, so you will be more away from family and home.

Many important planets in 3rd house like Saturn, Jupiter or even 10th lord in 3rd house will not let you stick to one job for longer time as 3rd is 6th from 10th house of occupation. You will be facing lots of back biting in your work place.

Third house is where desire takes birth in your mind, so too much desire driven people are not that healthy at times for themselves. Cause all our desires are never good for our own betterment such thing will make you Tamasik in the long run too. So you need to play carefully with your 3rd house.

The twist is, too much activation or strength of 2nd house will automatically start your 3rd house being active. As money will start getting over flowing in life, desire will start taking place in your mind. Let’s go for a trip, let’s go for a picnic, lets have a friendship with this beautiful girl etc etc.

If you are just using third house and not nourishing your 4th house then after a certain time, your 3rd house will start giving you all negative results like putting more effort, more hard work, being wandering soul, lack of common sense. As 2nd from third house is 4th house so to take the essence of your 3rd, you need to have basic education, you need to be nourishing to family.

Maximum time 3rd house activation may give you foreign settlement or settling far away from birth city as 3rd house is 4th from 12th house.

Sign of 3rd house and planets sitting in 3rd house will decide whether you are for job or not also the nature of your job; as 3rd house is 10th away from the house of job 6th.

Too much active 3rd house may make you addicted to speculation market, as it is 11th from 5th house and 8th from 8th. Thus it pushes our mind to take risk and getting extra gain by taking extra risk.

️Yesterday I checked the horoscope of a child, whose 3rd lord is in 3rd house which is also 8th lord and continuous health issue. Why so? Cause 8th lord is in 3rd in own sign making 3rd house stronger gave him lots of chronic things.

️Yes, more activation of 3rd house will give the benefit and support to your 11th house of desire fulfilling. But you need to check the vibes of 3rd house. If it is positive then all good things will start coming in life, if it is negative, then you will start attracting all bad things in life. As 3rd house is 5th from 11th house.

️Another thing about third house which I personally don’t like much, is being shallow. Those who are third house oriented people means in horoscope 3rd house gets activated a lot, they are generally shallow people, not much of depth of knowledge. All they do, living life with a gimmick and silly desire. All they have is good common sense. This is exactly opposite house of the 9th house which is for deep knowledge and philosophy.

️'Strong’ and ‘Active’ are two very different things so all will be depending on these two factors about any house result in your life.


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