The last two decades of the 21st century has witnessed a perceptible growing synergy of policy vision and expanding scope of cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is India’s second biggest supplier of oil after Iraq. It is also now India’s fourth largest trading partner with bilateral trade at $27.48 billion in 2017-18 and Saudi investment of around $100 billion is in the pipeline in areas ranging from energy, refining, petrochemicals and infrastructure to agriculture, minerals and mining. The relation hereby has gained an unprecedented momentum in the recent years. In this articles we at Multimedia Studio highlight the policy and a very first visit of Head of Army to Kingdom. Saudi Arabia's army is one of the most equipped armies in the world but they are one of the least trained armed forces. The biggest reason for that is the constant fear of a coup against the Saudi Royal.

Therefore there are always a small section of Pakistani soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Royals. This is something which is not going to change in the near future but due to the disagreements between the Pakistani establishment and Saudi Royals, many experts are speculating the future change in the Saudi policy. The relations between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is also seen with the prism of India / Bharat within the past decade, there has been a better degree of closeness between India & Asian country and its result effects also are mindful in the Saudi and West Pakistani relations. Therefore, this becomes even additional important to understand.
“What Saudi desires from India?”. Here are few major reasons:
STRAINS BETWEEN SAUDI ROYALS AND PAKISTAN: In the past several years, the relations between the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia don't seem to be in their good terms. Pakistan’s inclination toward Turkey and Iran is loosening their relations with Saudi Arabia - the most important proof for that was the fast demand for the payment of loan given by Saudi Arabia to Pakistan and ending the preference which Pakistan used to get for oil purchases.

NEW GEOPOLITICS OF MIDDLE-EAST: After the end of Trump’s presidency, the new US’s administration has cleared its stance about its middle-east policy. The new policy is more toward balancing than that of favoring Saudi Arabia. The biggest example for that was the US’s new policy for Yemen. Therefore, Saudi is looking for new partners and new alliances.
SAUDI AND US’s RELATION (BIDEN’S CHANGE): The US’s new Biden administration is very keen to normalize the US-Iran hostility associated this keeps Saudi’s at a awfully peculiar position as a result of Asian country take into account itself as an arch rival of Iran. President Biden is somebody who has been at odds with Saudi‘s petro-monarchies for a very long time in contrast to Ex-President Trump, President Biden would be very harsh toward Saudi’s and the Saudi additionally understands it.

NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE: The world is moving removed from oil to renewable sources of energy and Saudi also understands that if they need to grow they need different sources to diversify their economy from oil. For diversification they need new partners who might facilitate them to diversify their economy. India is one amongst the partners they're relying on.These are the most important reasons for the Saudi’s stress on India. reciprocally of all the Saudi needs India are ready to gain additional influence in Saudi Arabia and the Middle-east. India can gain Saudi Arabia’s investments into India. Now, the military relations also are going boost once the visit of Army Chief Gen. Manoj Mukund Naravane. In my opinion it won’t be a shock to the bulk of the policy consultants if the Indian army in future will replace the West Pakistan military contingent to become cyber web security suppliers to the Saudi Royal family and if this happens within the future, the worth of West Pakistan in the Saudi eyes can simply diminish to a nostalgia.
