Hearing this advertisement with announcement in the Mumbai trains will be such a strange feeling, The Chief Minister Eknath Shinde passed a resolution to brand the iconic Churchgate station to Chintamanrao Deshmukh station. Churchgate station is an integral part of the megacity’s history and culture for over 150 years
Support my solicitation to promptly divert the attention of state government to not change Mumbai’s iconic corner station!
Mumbaikars have fond recollections of Churchgate. Changing the name of the station without any public discussion is a casualness to our megacity’s heritage and history.
Our unborn generations too eager to know Mumbai through its culture, and I can not imagine this megacity without a ‘ Churchgate station ’ in its road charts.
I know our voices will only come stronger. Churchgate station holds a special place in the hearts of Mumbaikars and I'll not stop till its original name is saved.